It's a univeral scenario: People love to be scared, provided they can do so safely. Why is that, excatly?

According to Psychology Today, "We read scary stories so we can experience artificial situations of “fight or flight.” These scenarios, whether real or imagined, get your body ready for action by giving you an extra dose of adrenaline."
The "Adrenaline Junkie" will agree with this.
To be in a position where one can go face-to-face with a ghost or "confront and engage with trauma," and come out of it all from the safety of an oversized, comfy armchair is exceptional! The experience is one many of us seek over and over again...through books and film.
Why? Because we thrive on fear.
"After all, fear is supposed to keep us alive, at least from an evolutionary standpoint, by making sure that we don't venture into dangerous places." (K.W. Colyard)
My favorite is the haunted house – the ultimate venue for ghosts and the paranormal. It's unexplained, even when I know it's a ghost wreaking all that mischief. I don't understand the mechanics of that ghost or why it's choosing its victims. A fabulous scenario for my thrill-seeker soul.
Sullivan House was written to twist people's concept of hauntings, ghosts, and how much we (as humans) can control. In truth, we control nothing, which makes us all vulnerable to hauntings and things that happen in the afterlife (can you feel the adrenaline pump kick in?).
Give it a go and step inside the Sullivan House. I'd love to hear back from you – about your experience with the ghosts in that very haunted edifice. Let's share an adrenaline-kick that happens in old Savannah inside Sullivan House together!
post written by A. M. Crane (5 March 2021). To learn more about A. M. Crane, click HERE.