I love history!
I had a great history teacher at Kearsley High in Flint, Michigan. Before that, I read novels. I even remember the first. My older brother Bob loaned me Zane Grey’s, Arizona Ames. For Christmas at age nine, I received Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, and Treasure Island. I devoured them by New Year’s!
Reading spurred my interest in history. I wanted to learn why it happened – and when and how. In high school and college I excelled in history and social science classes. After discovering historical fiction, I read even more.
Later, with my love of sports, I stepped into baseball history. Yearning to be more creative, I turned to historical fiction. Writing novels allows me to combine my imagination with my knowledge. I can invent characters like Mickey Mathews. To see my novels in print and my characters attracting readers gives me a glorious feeling of accomplishment.
~ Jim