The Book of Kellyisms: A Coach's Playbook for Life
Doce Blant Publishing

The Book of Kellyisms: A Coach's Playbook for Life

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This book is discontinued from publication by Doce Blant Publishing. Stock copies available only.

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Doce Blant Publishing
Kellyisms to Motivate!

Daily affirmations that motivate one to live a life filled with success, The Book of Kellyisms is Robert M. Kelly, Jr's own story. He eloquently describes how life's "curveballs" turned into opportunities and with the right motivation and attitude, your's can too.

Coach Kelly is energetic, motivating, and filled with passion about living life to the fullest, overcoming obstacles and perceived failures, and moving forward with the best life God has provided.

The Book of Kellyisms is filled with motivational quotes passed down from Kelly's father. This is the "pick-me-up" book of the year!